• Prestes García, A and Rodríguez-Patón, A — evoper: Evolutionary Parameter Estimation for ’Repast Simphony’ Models.

The EvoPER, Evolutionary Parameter Estimation for ‘Repast Simphony’ Agent-Based framework (<https://repast.github.io/>), provides optimization driven parameter estimation methods based on evolutionary computation techniques which could be more efficient and require, in some cases, fewer model evaluations than other alternatives relying on experimental design.

  • Prestes García, A and Rodríguez-Patón, A — rrepast: Running ’Repast Simphony’ models inside R environment.

An R and Repast integration tool for running individual-based (IbM) simulation models developed using ‘Repast Simphony’ Agent-Based framework directly from R code. This package integrates ‘Repast Simphony’ models within R environment, making easier the tasks of running and analyzing model output data for automated parameter calibration and for carrying out uncertainty and sensitivity analysis using the power of R environment.