Laboratorio de Inteligencia Artificial (LIA-UPM) is an interdisciplinary research group in UPM formed by researchers and professors working in Systems and Synthetic Biology, DNA Computing, and Artificial Intelligence applied in biomedicine and microbiology.

Open one 4-year PhD contract (FPI) in LIA group – UPM

We are offering positions for a synthetic microbiology + artificial intelligence project. Please, see “Open Positions” page for new PhD and master positions available in our group.

Latest News on RTVE

El día 25 de mayo, dentro del programa “La Aventura del Saber” de La 2 de TVE, se emite el vídeo “¿Cómo funcionan los fármacos programables?”, en el que interviene el profesor de la UPM Alfonso Rodríguez Patón.

Our new SCIENCE paper:
David Ruano-Gallego, Julia Sanchez-Garrido, Zuzanna Kozik, Elena Núñez-Berrueco, Massiel Cepeda-Molero, Caroline Mullineaux-Sanders, Jasmine Naemi-Baghshomali Clark, Sabrina L. Slater, Naama Wagner, Izabela Glegola-Madejska, Theodoros I. Roumeliotis, Tal Pupko, Luis Ángel Fernández, Alfonso Rodríguez-Patón, Jyoti S. Choudhary, Gad Frankel. Type III secretion system effectors form robust and flexible intracellular virulence networks. SCIENCE. Vol. 371, Issue 6534. 12 Mar 2021.
To know more details about the article, see the video below.

Our new Nature Biotechnology paper introducing a new family of programmable antibiotics:

Rocío López-Igual, Joaquín Bernal-Bayard, Alfonso Rodríguez-Patón, Jean-Marc Ghigo, and Didier Mazel. Engineered toxin-intein antimicrobials can selectively target and kill antibiotic-resistant bacteria in mixed populations. Nature Biotechnology, 2019. DOI: 10.1038/s41587-019-0105-3.

Full-text access to the Nature Biotech paper: DOI: 10.1038/s41587-019-0105-3.
Free full-text access to a view-only version:
A research done by UPM and Institut Pasteur mainly during EU FET-Proactive research project PLASWIRES:

Video about our Nature Biotechnology journal paper:

Gif above is an animation describing our programmable antibiotic published in Nature Biotechnology.